Monday, June 30, 2014

31, 34,37 Lot's of 30's in this HOUSE!

Hey Little Girl,

Well another week has come and gone. 

Your Daddy has been working so hard on your room. And it truly has become just that. A beautiful bedroom.   We know that you won't really appreciate the work until you are much older. But this will be the nicest room in the house by far.  Mommy is so happy to see the transformation.  Just like she has transformed over these last 31 weeks.  Here are some pictures of what he has done. 

Audrey's Room (Better known as the catch all room):

The carpet & trim were removed:

Walls have been painted gray & white and new white trim installed: 

Daddy working hard:

New gray carpet has been installed:

Daddy just needs to put the coral "A" on the wall. And then your room is complete.

Mommy & Auntie Sara will then add all the finishing touches! Crib, bookshelf, chair and dresser. Plus all the fun little girl items! We cannot wait!

As for the "30" Numbers: 

You are now 31 weeks and growing and kicking. You are obsessed with Justin Timberlake, Pearl Jam and Katy Perry. You love hearing all their voices. You kick constantly and do back flips all the time. Your friend Betty was born on June 16th. She can't wait to meet you! 

Daddy is now 37 years old. He had a wonderful birthday and received lots of great birthday wishes from all. He is doing great and has really helped Mommy a lot during the entire time you were inside her. Even when she cries for absolutely no reason he still comforts her and takes away all her worries. He is currently out in the yard doing his favorite thing outside. Yard work. He loves being in the yard and can't wait to teach you how to kick a soccer ball and throw a football. Someday we'll show you what your yard looked like the first year Mommy and Daddy moved in. 

Mommy is now 34 years old. She also had a wonderful birthday. She received a wonderful bracelet from Jocelyn and Avery. It read All You Need Is Love. Which is very true. This will always remind her of those two little sweet girls she once nannied for. You will meet them soon. They always talk about you and ask questions about you. Mommy is doing great as far as the pregnancy goes. She has gained some weight but it's not too much. And she's pretty much all belly.  Mommy is still very active and doing lots of things. But she does enjoy her 2 hour naps on certain days of the week.   

As our countdown becomes single digits we look forward to meeting you very soon! 

We love you so much Miss Audrey Marie!


Mommy & Daddy

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Last Week in My Twenties

Little Audrey,

This is it. Our last week in our twenties. It's been 5 years since Mommy has been able to say that.  It's hard to believe since this week Mommy also turns 34 years old. 

She thought that she would tell you the things that she has been able to do while pregnant with you. 

1. Mommy is still able to fit into her figure skates each day to coach skating. 

2. Mommy can bust a move with the best of them on the dance floor.

3. Mommy still rocks a two piece swimsuit and doesn't care what a single person thinks.

4. Mommy is able to touch her toes. This is something that your Daddy has never been able to do but tries really hard at. When you're older ask him to try it, you'll get a good belly laugh out of this. 

5. Mommy is still able to do the splits. Yes the splits at 29 weeks pregnant. She guesses that not many woman are able to do this.  And the night she did this you rolled around and around in her belly. You clearly loved it!

Uncle Kevin flew in from San Francisco this weekend.  We asked him to be your guidance parent. Both Mommy and Daddy feel that he will be able to teach you about respect and caring for others. Your Uncle Kevin is not only funny and quick witted but kind hearted and truly one of the best people that your parents know. When you are old enough you will be able to fly to San Francisco and visit him. One thing that Mommy and Daddy ask is that when you are a teenager you make an effort to keep in touch with him.  Relationships are successful when both sides are making an effort. 

On Friday morning we all headed up to Webster, Wisconsin for Sandy's 30th birthday.  Many friends from around the U.S. traveled to the cabin. We had so much fun swimming, playing yard games and just catching up with great friends!  It's always very tough to say goodbye to them. 

Mommy and Daddy are ready to take on these last 10 weeks. You are growing stronger and stronger and your kicks are much harder than a few weeks ago.  We are getting so excited to meet you! 

We Love You,

Mommy & Daddy

Friday, June 6, 2014

A Mother's Love For Her Little Girl

My Dearest Daughter Audrey,

As I have carried you around for these last 28 weeks my love for you grows stronger and stronger. Your movements inside me bring tears of happiness to my eyes. Your fluttery kicks make me laugh and even wake me up at night. Last week during birth class you kicked so hard even your Daddy jumped. 

As I grow larger and larger it makes me so proud. Because these changes just mean that I am going to be a mother. Your mother. With each pound I gain I embrace. Although at times it may be hard to cope with. I understand that it's for you. With each pain I deal. Because I know these pains are for you. All of this is worth it to be your Mom. 

I promise you that I will always be here for you. I promise that when you need a shoulder to cry on I will have two.  I promise that we will have laughing fits that will bring us to tears. I promise to love you each day to the fullest. Each hour to the max, and each minute forever. 

I cannot wait to meet you. I cannot wait to see just how much hair you'll have on your head. I cannot wait to hold you in my arms. And give you lots and lots of kisses.

You are my light! 

I love Miss Audrey Marie!



Monday, June 2, 2014

Memorial Day BBQ's, Sun, Yard Work, Painting

Hi Audrey,

Lot's has been going on these past couple of weeks. You've mainly been on the move and growing bigger and stronger. 

Mommy and Daddy have been taking birthing classes, Daddy has learned that Mommy's stomach will move all the way up past her ribs when you are full term. That scares Mommy just a bit, but she knows you're worth it! 

Mommy has been learning that stretching is very important for you to enter into this big world. So she's been doing lots and lots of stretches. In fact your Mommy can still touch her toes at almost 27 weeks pregnant. 

A few weekends ago was Memorial Day. Lot's of BBQ's with family and friends. Friday night we went to Grandma Gerri and Grandpa Frank's house for salmon. You'll spend lots of time at their house when you're born. When you're older Mommy and Daddy will even let you ride your bike to their house. (It's only 4 blocks away!)  

Saturday during the day Mommy had to work. Daddy went to work in our yard. You see he's been perfecting it over the past couple of summers and it's starting to look beautiful! He puts so much time and effort into making sure you have a great yard to play in. I know he can't wait to play catch with you or teach you the proper way to throw a football back there.  All things your Daddy will be excellent at teaching you. Mommy will teach you to skate and kick a soccer ball. Oh and show you some mad dance moves.

Saturday night we went to Uncle Kevin & Auntie Sarah Lang's house for a delicious smoked pork shoulder. Audrey it was amazing! You loved every single bite of it. You even went back for 3rd's! You got to hangout with Sonny, we've decided that if arrange marriages were still around you two would be married. He's adorable and great around the ladies! You'd be one lucky little girl!

Sunday morning Mommy woke up nice and early and made Daddy some pancakes!
 She wanted to perfect her pancake making skills for you.  She hasn't quite mastered the skill of animal shapes. But by the time you eat them she will. 

 Mommy also planted her flower beds. Next year you can help her dig holes and plant different colored flowers in your garden. Mommy and Daddy also went to Gerten's Nursery and bought lots of new plants for the back yard. We also went to the paint shop and bought your nursery room paint. The colors will be perfect! We hope you enjoy them for a few years. 

Later that afternoon we went to Uncle Darin and Auntie Sara's house for another BBQ! Yep we love BBQ's! You had 4 helpings of food at this party. It was yet another fun evening with friends.  Daddy and Uncle Darin were in a bean bag tournament. They didn't do so well, but sometimes it's not about winning or losing. It's about how much fun you had and I know they had fun.  

Monday night Uncle Stefan came over. He and Dad played catch in the backyard and Mommy went shopping. She had no summer clothes that fit her.  Here's a fun picture of Stefan and Mommy. You'll know which one Mommy is!

Well Miss Audrey Marie! This has gotten to be quite long! Just know that we will always have lots of fun with family and friends. And we'll have plenty of BBQ's when your born!

We love you so much!

Mommy & Daddy