Sunday, September 14, 2014

Happy Birthday Audrey Marie!

Our Little Audrey,

Happy Birthday! September 1st, 2014.

Sorry it has taken Mommy and Daddy 13 days to write to you. Lately we've been busy taking care of you, which we absolutely LOVE to do!

Here's a little recap of when you arrived: 

Thursday August 28th, 2014 came and went. After spicy foods, long walks and even jumping jacks, you were not coming out. Mommy had to sit back and just relax (which was very hard to do since she wanted to meet you so badly).

Friday night, Mommy and Daddy went to their favorite pizza place in Minnesota: Pizzeria Lola. Mommy had a spicy pie for dinner thinking that would do the trick but still, you didn't want to come out!  

Saturday morning Mommy wanted to go to the St. Paul Farmers Market so we started our morning with that. Afterwards we hit up the grocery store and did our shopping for the week. This tired Mommy out so when she got home she decided to lay down. 

And that's when it all started...

You wanted out! Mommy's contractions started and increased to 4 minutes apart 1 minute in length for about 3 hours. To her it was GO TIME so we packed up the car and headed to the hospital. Mommy got all hooked up to the monitors and suddenly everything slowed down. You weren't quite sure about entering the world quite yet! So Mommy and Daddy were sent home for a long night.

Sunday morning Mommy was having very strong contractions-stronger than the day before. These lasted all day long but stayed about 6-8 minutes apart. A few times she pleaded for Daddy to bring her to the hospital but he stood strong and wouldn't let her go until she was really ready. She was not going to be sent home today! At 5:45 pm her water broke! She was so excited about this because now the nurses couldn't send her home. In the car they both went (a little faster than Mommy would have preferred with just a couple red lights run). When they got to the hospital Mommy even commented to the nurses that we she wasn't going home without her Daughter!

Hours and hours went by. Midnight had come and gone. 

Daddy was amazing through all of this. He rubbed Mommy's feet, back and head. He calmed her when she was in pain. He was by far the best support system she has ever had in her life. Mommy could not have gotten through this without him.  

It was now 6am and Mommy's nurse Jodi said she was ready to have you. 

Emotions were running high. We have never been so excited to meet someone in our entire lives. We were about to become a family of three and couldn't have been more thrilled to have you join our lives.

It was now Labor Day & Labor Time!

Monday September 1st. At 7:35 am Mommy started to push and at 8:35 am you finally made your entrance into the world.

Perfect! Beautiful! Stunning!

You weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce, 20 inches long. You had beautiful dark brown hair. Your eye color was dark grey. Your skin tone was a beautiful reddish/olive color and you didn't have a cone head at all. You honestly were perfect. 

You spent time laying on Mommy & Daddy's chests, getting to bond with them more and more. You even nursed within 10 minutes of being born. Something you're amazing at!

By Tuesday at 1pm you were home. 

Amazing how two happy adults can leave home and come home two days later as a family of three. 

We are so happy you are a part of this family. Our hearts are overwhelmed with love for you and one another. 

It's very suiting that we found out we were having you on Christmas Day and you arrived on Labor Day. 

We love you so much and we cannot wait to see what this new journey brings us.

Welcome to the family Audrey Marie!

Mommy & Daddy